American Toilet Tissue & Schrodinger’s Pussy – Greg Stokes
Greg Stokes has had audiences in stitches with his comic short stories since he began performing them in 2005. At last, Doctor, The Grant, the Les and Sheila stories and many more are available in print!
Toilet tissue, to Brits its bog roll, to the Americans its an insult, arsewipe! Read how Les and Sheila Parkes, along with Les’s kid brother Des and his missus Steph tackle two arsewipe image rights attorneys from New York, and help one from another time zone!
Find out what happens when the Daleks come to Dudley in search of their arch foe the Doctor.
And what are those two Baggies fans doing going back in time to Kill Devil Hill to witness the Wright brothers’ first flight,,,
Erwin Schrodinger, find out who the hell he is, and how he really reconciled quantum mechanics with Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity with his famous equation… In Dudley!
Read how the world’s biggest particle accelerator is built under the Black Country and what happens when they find the elusive God Particle!
Finally, read The Procedure only if you are not of a nervous disposition. One of these doctor Johnnies has to introduce a camera into a chaps bladder, and there’s only one way in apparently…
Parental Advice: Contains some swearing, but no sex to speak of. Sorry. You’ll have to read Tried by Prejudice, some really serious shagging gets done in that…
20 stories, 128 pages packed with laughs.
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